3 Ways to Enhance Your Employees’ Productivity

02/07/2013 11:16

employee engagement

When the term “employee engagement” strikes your ears what does it bring to you? A skill, that has to be worked out by the employee himself. If you still think, employee engagement is one of those areas which employee himself needs to get across; you should round off your assessments.

Surprisingly, most of the surveys conducted on engaging employees say that the key to disengagement is the relationship of employees with their direct managers. Interestingly, it’s a good reason. Why? If a manager gets to know it, he can always work on management styles and improve productivity.

To make this employee-manager association work better, here are some small and easy tips for managers;

Open Communication:

If you really want things to work smoothly, you need to realize the importance of communication and its impact on overall growth of a company.

• Be approachable. If any of your employees want to discuss personal or professional issue, he should know you are there to listen and respond in a reasonable way.

• Reply to their messages. Respond to them before the issue is long forgotten.

• Be friendly rather than being bossy. This increases their level of trust.


Acknowledgment, praise and respect would charge you nothing. However, it would bring you a lot. You can create your own small recognition gestures to show your employees that their effort is being noticed and appreciated.

• Say well done and acknowledge when they come up with new ideas.

• Take them for coffee when they achieve their targets in time.

• Remember their birthdays

Be Sincere:

Last but not least, be honest and truthful in whatever you do for your employees. Know about their private lives because personal issues shape employee's performance at work. This would also build loyalty and trust.