How to Carry Out Successful Employee Evaluation Session

12/19/2012 11:14

employee evaluation

Not a walk in the park, yes I’m talking about employee evaluation. This is a time which is considered harder for both the employee and the manager. Getting knots in the stomach is nothing unusual when you have to sit across the table. What could make the procedure less painful? Let’s find out.

Getting Away Of All Distractions

The most important factor is staying away of all sorts of disturbances when conducting the evaluation. Executives have a key role in this. Their duty is to make sure the discussion with the employee is the only significant subject for that specific hour.

Going for a Better Approach

After completing self-appraisal manager should give the employee the opportunity to review it together. Discussion makes things clear when review is presented on both ends and the differences discussed helps gain greater understanding of each other’s perceptions. Make it a learning session rather than a battle of war opening for new horizons and better approaches. Help the employee improve the way for accomplishing tasks to gain better results.

Showing Genuine Concern for Employee Success

The purpose of evaluation should be to identify career goals and how they fit into the organization’s overall success. Let the discussion be transparent where the executives inculcate in the employees they are genuinely concerned with their success. Let them know how stepping up will let them delegate more to them.

The end of the session should give the employee a sense of being a better doer rather than a loser. What makes all the difference in the world is, the performance evaluation conversation is done the right way.